This document is regenerated automatically from our systems at a time of a release.
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4213
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 6 (4207)
Changes: 0 additions, 1 improvements, 1 fixes and 0 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Improved] Replaced M2 ammo in all RHS HMVVWS with 4-AP/1-APIT
[Fixed] Fixed invalid hitboxes on some vehicle parts causing crashes; fixes #1121
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4207
Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 16 (4191)
Changes: 2 additions, 2 improvements, 1 fixes and 0 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Added] Added VCOG
[Added] Added VCOG + RMR
[Improved] Small improvements to 1p87 glass
[Improved] Improved Added lods to K17 seats
[Fixed] Fixed all destroyed k4386 turrets used default green paint
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4191
Date: Friday, March 21, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 16 (4175)
Changes: 1 additions, 3 improvements, 3 fixes and 0 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Added] Added GPS RadioBeacon
[Improved] Replaced AN/PEQ-15 with AN/PSQ-23B on M1025 with AN/PAS-13G
[Improved] Added rangefinder with auto zeroing to M1025 with AN/PAS-13G
[Improved] Added Tucha smokes to K17 Epoch driver
[Fixed] Fixed minor offset of faradey 906 boots
[Fixed] K17 various crew positions would cause crash if open door action was activated; fixes #1115
[Fixed] 1.3: Fixed broken optic PIP material references; fixes #1118
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4175
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 39 (4136)
Changes: 0 additions, 3 improvements, 7 fixes and 0 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Improved] Testing Matech alpha test - will probably switch to some custom function controlling alpha mul instead
[Improved] Added countermeasure flares to F/A-18 CAS
[Improved] Added faction affiliation to wearable items; fixes #1099
[Fixed] Fixed equip and pickup sounds for the MK153 container
[Fixed] Fixed the PSQ-23A's collider material on the MBS
[Fixed] Fixed hand slot issues in the inventory; fixes #1100
[Fixed] Turret stabilization controls refactored into own context, should not show up on vehicles where they are not supposed to; fixes #1109
[Fixed] Cleaned up mission config files by removing outdated attributes
[Fixed] Fixed CAS sounds spawning in wrong location in MP; fixes #1102
[Fixed] Fixed supply drop boxes disappearing on landing; fixes #1112
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4136
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 13 (4123)
Changes: 0 additions, 2 improvements, 3 fixes and 0 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Improved] Added probe volumes to K-17 and T-14
[Improved] Added new left hand poses for different m4 handguards
[Fixed] PMF screens were not operatable by when you were possessing an AI; fixes #980
[Fixed] PlaySound causing workbench crash when loading player with PEQs in default loadout; fixes #1096
[Fixed] Fixed Kac rear iron sight was using old model
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4123
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 21 (4102)
Changes: 0 additions, 24 improvements, 9 fixes and 0 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to AVS
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to AVS cummerbund 649
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to AVS cummerbund radio
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to AVS neck protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to Bagariy
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to AA CPC
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to AA CPC neck protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to ARS groin protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to ARS triple groin protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to NCPC
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to PC GEN 2
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to PC GEN 3
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to PC GEN 3 light
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to 6B45
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to 6B48
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to 6B45 Neck protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to Taktika
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to Taktika groin protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to Taktika shoulder protection
[Improved] Added modeled soft armor to TV-102 neck protection
[Improved] Added railcovers with grip for m27 back to arsenal
[Improved] Added collider history component to RHS Vest base + SCR_ArmorDamageManagerComponent so it is possible to knock out people with pistols even if bullet doesn't penetrate soft armor
[Improved] Made helmet attachment masses more realistic; fixes #1050
[Improved] Orion GPS device brightness reduced so it no longer burns your retinas off at night; fixed #1055
[Fixed] Possible fix for people having problem exiting vehicle triplex, thanks to scobaka; fixes #1084
[Fixed] Fixed several ActionContexts were being overwritten instead of being extended; fixes #1089
[Fixed] Fixed supply drop system spawning extra parachute that hangs in the air; fixes #1085
[Fixed] 1.3: Fixed touch screen buttons not reacting to clicks; fixes #1080
[Fixed] Removed buggy NVG anim that was causing CTD; fixes #1081
[Fixed] 1.3: Fixed K-17 crashing to desktop when moving AI into driver's seat; fixes #1087
[Fixed] 1.3: 2S1 no longer crashes on destruction
[Fixed] Added a workaround for crashes happening when tracked vehicles are destroyed.
[Fixed] Fixed AOR2 FROG shit missing blood texture; fixes #1092
Release Meta Information
Built from Revision: 4102
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Revisions Since Last: 198 (3904)
Changes: 36 additions, 29 improvements, 40 fixes and 2 deletions.
This release is only available on Arma: Reforger Experimental
[Added] Added tan version of ural4320
[Added] Added front grip prototype
[Added] Added USMC MEF AT Teams
[Added] Added MK153 SMAW MOD.2
[Added] Zip on panel 2.0 initial injection with 4 patterns(so far)
[Added] LODs to Zip on panel 2.0 models
[Added] CADPAT MT for crye rolled and crye pants
[Added] New military trousers for ION. Prefab made and added to arsenal but not completed
[Added] Added Wartech patch
[Added] Multicam black texture for new military trousers
[Added] Harris detachable bipod now fully functional with M27 and M38
[Added] Added new AA CPC pouch presets
[Added] Added Bagari vest
[Added] CADPAT Temperate to ion
[Added] Canadian flag patch
[Added] M4 carbine with M203
[Added] CAF_CCUE_Trousers
[Added] Added pouch presets without belt for Coyote AVS and JPC
[Added] Added Team Wendy Exfil Helmet
[Added] Added ECH covers in all CADPAT pattern to ion arsenal
[Added] Added ECH LC bare bones helmet to ION arsenal so covers can be used
[Added] Added Spartan-3 Helmet
[Added] Added 6b47 with OpsCore chinstrap
[Added] BCT_Boots
[Added] Added Coyote JPC and couple of pouch presets to ION box
[Added] Added Garmim watches with green strap
[Added] Added Garmim watches with blue strap
[Added] Added Garmim watches with red strap
[Added] Added Garmim watches with black strap
[Added] AK74M and AK105 with Zenitco handguard rails can now mount bipods; work on #1063
[Added] M4 series can now mount bipods; fixes #1063
[Added] Added new versions of Spectrum device for ION and RU
[Added] Added Triada TKO helmet
[Added] Added Caiman Helmet
[Added] Added TV119 vest
[Added] Added Exfil cover and battery pouch
[Improved] Tweaked light attenuation parameters for PEQ-16 visible illuminator
[Improved] Fixed supply drop mislabeling in GM. Fixes #1021
[Improved] Slightly improved K4386 Gearbox and Engine
[Improved] PEQ-16 visible illuminator was too aggressive
[Improved] Tweaked illuminator (lights and lasers) light volume settings to make it more realistic
[Improved] Added a little bit of glow to G45/G17 and M18/M17 tritium sights
[Improved] Adjusted morph/shape-key for MSOB insignia patch, to conform with curvature of other patches
[Improved] Slightly improved K4386 armored glass
[Improved] Added new Reload Empty animation for both M4 platform, and M27 IAR
[Improved] ION radio frequency encryption key is now "baguette"
[Improved] Work on standardizing displayname strings for AFRF helmets
[Improved] Adjusted position and FOV of inventory preview for Bagariy vest
[Improved] Added glass to Garmim watches
[Improved] Improved Garmim watches textures
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Epoch 2A42 from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Berezhok 2A42 from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Epoch 9M113 from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Berezhok 9M113 from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Berezhok AGS from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Epoch Tucha from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K17 Berezhok Tucha from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload T-14 2A82 from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload T-14 Tucha from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K4386 2A42 AP from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K4386 2A42 HE from outside on support stations
[Improved] Added ability to reload K4386 Tucha from outside on support stations
[Improved] Improved all vest presets with backpack have shoulder offset now
[Improved] Added Harris bipod to ION arsenal
[Improved] Radial menu now has access to gadgets attached to vests; fixes #958
[Fixed] Fixed floating pouch loadouts on custom loadout respawn; Fixes #1022
[Fixed] Some lights were causing gras and clutter to be flattened in front of player when on; fixes issue #1023
[Fixed] Black screen when in a vehicle crash as passenger; fixes #1031
[Fixed] Fixed colliders of some of the helmet ground models
[Fixed] Helstar strobe has swapped mode descriptions in radial for IR modes
[Fixed] 1PN138 had wrong name in radial
[Fixed] Possible fix for scope misalignment on k17/k4386
[Fixed] LBH ground model was missing collider; fixes issue #1044
[Fixed] Fixed wrong position of mag detach action on SMAW
[Fixed] Fixed broken safety animation on smaw
[Fixed] Fixed: Supply drop would be stuck mid air for proxy clients; fixes #1027
[Fixed] Fixed: Supply drop wouldn't spawn its impact sounds and particles
[Fixed] Fixed: USAF supply crate wasn't be marked for GM as a faction object
[Fixed] Fixed M4 lower markings
[Fixed] Description strings for some M4A1s with M203, referred to M320 instead of M203
[Fixed] Some TV110 pouch presets were blocking backpack slot when they shouldn't
[Fixed] Some AACPC/AAAVS pouch presets with GMR packs were not blocking backpack slot
[Fixed] Fixed: Ducked taped the warheads of GBU/KH/UMPK to conform to the AR bug that hinders the performance of large explosives - their AOE is somewhat reduced but because of that their damage should work (around 20m radius)
[Fixed] Added unique numbers to Order parameter in faction config - this should prevent spawning problems connected with random order on server & client
[Fixed] Fixed, wrong rotation of fire selector on M27
[Fixed] AN-94 did not allow reattaching bayonets once removed (added an invisible, non-removable attachment with the required ObstructionAttributes class)
[Fixed] Cleaned up camo1 M27 prefab
[Fixed] Wrong color string in Bagariy pouch presets displayname
[Fixed] Disabled grip test slot in M27IAR_base to prevent log spam
[Fixed] Fixed more log
[Fixed] Script API compatibility with AR 1.3
[Fixed] Fixed headphones slot had incorrect position on Exfil helmets
[Fixed] Fixed headset position on Spartan3 / AirFrame helmet
[Fixed] Fixed: Switch brightness action on garmim watches doesn't work; fixes #1071
[Fixed] Fixed SpectrumDevice animation log spam
[Fixed] Fixed M4A1 BLOCK 2 was missing hierarchy component
[Fixed] Fixed M4A1 URGI was missing hierarchy component
[Fixed] Fixed 2A82 Sound was broken after 1.3 update
[Fixed] Fixed 2A18 Sound was broken after 1.3 update
[Fixed] Fixed 9M113 Sound was broken after 1.3 update
[Fixed] Fixed Pouch_Filbe_bandolier had no ground model
[Fixed] Fixed debug worn model was turned on on several vests and vest presets
[Fixed] Fixed wrong left hand position when m240 is deployed while standing or crouching
[Fixed] Vehicle turret zoom was broken after 1.3; fixes #1058
[Fixed] Fixed Vector and PDU ADS overlay delay; fixes #1051
[Removed] Dummy flash hider prefabs that were slotted in 5.56mm suppressors. The flash hider meshes are now part of the suppressor model to avoid potential crashes
[Removed] Removed vertical grip prototype
Last updated